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Would you like to strengthen your company

.Company is already in their mind Would you like to when they need your companys services. Here we answer the questions: What content do we need to help the customer solve their problem? What current contents should we improve on our site? How do we create a unified purchase path on our site that supports digital purchase processes? In which channels do we reach our customers most cost-effectively

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They understand the value marketing brings to the business? 6. Creating a content plan and channel strategy – What kind of content does your site need so that the b2b leads customer can move forward in the purchase process and convince himself that your company is the best partner for him? Your customers need content so that they can proceed independently in their purchase process and evaluate the suitability of your company as their partner. The content plan is always based on buyer personas and keyword research. In

This case the plan supports the

b2b leads

According to the stages of the MRACE® model into Act Convert and Engage stages Act – provide information and guide towards the next stage of the purchase path In the Act phase the potential buyer is in the IS Lists information search phase. The most important task of the content is to provide the customer with information about for example solving a certain problem without actively trying to sell him anything. For example the blog post you are reading now will help you make better marketing strategies. Convert

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