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The Nature Of Tools Is Important Due To The Fact

The availability and acceptability of online shopping has increase. Social expectations for contactless, fast, remote services are higher than before the pandemic, even in sectors where such solutions did not exist before. Marketing relies even more on data analytics. Contextual marketing , especially location-base marketing, services available here and now, has become more and more expecte and desire by customers . If you want to follow these changes more effectively, please contact our agency. Comparative advertising, or how to use the weak points of the competition August 17, 2021 Customer acquisition Comparative advertising, or how to use the weak points of the competition.

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Entrepreneurs often talk about their own offer, using more or less specific comparisons to the competition. Comparative advertising is Rubber and Plastic Manufacturers Email Lists considere to be advertising that clearly identifies a specific product or brand and contains such comparisons and information that make both entities uniquely recognizable. However, if comparative advertising does not meet the legal requirements, it is considere an act of unfair competition and is subject to appropriate sanctions. What is comparative advertising? Examples of comparative advertising Is comparative advertising fair.

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Activities Relate Not Only To Their Effective

The purpose of comparative advertising is to present the superiority of the presente offer over the competing offer, or possibly to emphasize the balance of both offers. By using markings that individualize a competitor’s product or service, we IS Lists directly indicate who he is. The comparison should concern only the essential features of the product presente in a reliable, non-discriminatory and verifiable manner. In addition, it must not lead to confusion in distinguishing between the advertiser and the competitor and their products. Or use a competitor’s trademark unfairly. Especially since unfair competition simply does not pay off.

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