Oct 25, 2023
Personal brand and online reputation guide for professionals and managers

Personal brand is the perfume you use, online reputation is the smell. You leave Isn’t a personal brand necessary if you are good and work hard? Yes it is, because many other professionals are also good and they also work hard. The personal brand bubble. That generic and obvious phrase that “everything leaves a mark” in professional life and in the company. Has led too many people to try to position themselves as “personal brand experts” . Because it is cheap to say it and seem like it thanks to the visibility and ease offered by the networks.

Social networks and content

Marketing tools on the Internet. In this way, the paradox occurs that, thanks to the Internet. It is so accessible to create and project a personal, professional or company brand. That many have created the brand of “helping others with their brands.” This has generated a “brand bubble”: only very Crypto Email List few very well-positioned professionals earn enough (apparently) directly. By providing advisory services, or indirectly, by providing training actions or participating in events.

To try to simplify this concept

I present this brief Guide to personal branding and online reputation in 18 steps around these 4 basic ideas: Personal branding creates your professional space. The contents IS Lists spread it. Networking drives it. Your professionalism confirms it. Or not. Employment 2.0 is not about looking for professional opportunities, it is about making people look for you. Also when we talk about a 2.0 company we are referring to an organization that makes customers find it without having to “go after them.

And if you are thinking about reinventing yourself professionally with support on the Internet, you have to choose a new path and specialize. These online strategies are based on a not-so-secret ingredient: the construction of a personal brand, a company brand or brands of services or products, as many as necessary. Building a personal brand is the most effective and fastest strategy to present and convey our services and professional skills to employers, clients and professionals that interest us.

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Oct 25, 2023
The economy could be a factor

The economy could be a factor
Is your business viable? Are you happy with your digital marketing program? Well. If the economy isn’t great. This could be a factor that will impact your business. The exact nature of how the economy will impact the business all depends on the type of business it is.
However. If there is an economic recession or other economic difficulty. This could definitely harm your business and cause sales to dip. If this is the case. Digital marketing won’t make a difference. If people don’t want to spend the money on products or services like yours. That is something outside of your control.

Consider seasonality of your business

Consider seasonality of your business
Seasonality is another factor that has nothing to do with digital marketing. If you identify a seasonal pattern. Though. You know that you can use marketing to your advantage. If you special data are a b2b. Then you may have notic that you have an uptick of inquiries in the spring. With many new customers coming in during the autumn months.

This is a seasonal consideration

Well. This is a seasonal consideration. And you can structure your digital marketing to make the most of this pattern. Though. No amount of digital marketing will cause the pattern to change. Your market or industry determin this.
As you can see. Digital marketing won’t solve or impact all that is going on with your business. Your business could ne to IS Lists modernize. The economy could be down. Or you are dealing with some seasonal patterns. This is all worth keeping in mind as you come up with your digital marketing strategy

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Oct 25, 2023
It’s true that digital marketing can help businesses

It’s true that digital marketing can help businesses achieve their goals. Whether it is making sales. Creating more engagement with the brand online. Generating leads. And more. The digital marketing strategy will help achieve them.
What happens. Though. If digital marketing isn’t resulting in an uptick in business? Well. No strategy can fix something that is a deeper business issue. Digital marketing can only get you so far.
Your business could ne to modernize

Business environments change

Over time. Business environments change. What us to do well as a business at one time could be outdat and not reflect the times. Are you trying to get customers for your product or service. But no matter what you try. It doesn’t latest database  seem to be working? You could have the best digital marketing strategy laid out for your business. But if the business itself is too outdat. Your target market won’t resonate with it.

Remember that a business that did very well ten years ago

Remember that a business that did very well ten years ago may currently be out of date. We have seen this happen. Where a business concept was creat out of reaction to the industry climate. Unfortunately. The industry could have mov on. Leaving your company behind.
If you find that your leads are down and sales are lagging. This may not be the fault of your digital marketing program. Your IS Lists business could be out of date. The solution here would be find a way to adapt your business to the changes in your industry and then create a new digital marketing strategy after that.

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Oct 25, 2023
Your number one goal on social mia is to attract

Your number one goal on social mia is to attract and appeal to your target demographic. One demographic may prefer content that is well-detail. Including data and numbers. While another demographic may enjoy short and sweet text with images. Your social mia has to align with your target audience in order to achieve your goals.

If your target demographic resides in a specific region

If your target demographic resides in a specific region. You can target some of your content to that region. Your audience will feel closer to new data you knowing that you care about what’s going on in their world instead of trying to speak to everyone. They will know that you understand them and their nes.

Knowing your target audience demographic is important

Knowing your target audience demographic is important for your social mia marketing strategy. If you ignore your demographics. You are essentially ignoring the people who are most likely to visit your website and purchase what you have to offer. Demographics are a large part of social mia. So finding out where you IS Lists should be and what you should be posting is what will take your business to the next level.
Digital marketing can only go so far

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Oct 25, 2023
By knowing your target audience

By knowing your target audience. You can create social mia personas to align perfectly with them. Knowing this information allows you to focus on the appropriate social mia platforms and create content your target demographic wants to consume and explore further by visiting your website.
It’s important not to confuse target audience and demographics. While they are relat. Demographics refer to things such as age. Ucation. Location. Income. And gender. These characteristics can help you appeal to the people who will be most interest in buying your products and services.

Choose platforms wisely

 Choose platforms wisely
Your target demographics will use specific platforms. One demographic is new database  typically not attract to all of the social mia platforms because they all have something different to offer. Posting on social mia without understanding where your target demographic spends time leaves you in limbo. You are talking to everyone while talking to no one in particular. When you understand your demographic and where they are spending their time. Your content is guarante to reach them.

One way of finding where your target demographic

One way of finding where your target demographic is most active is to check out your competitors. Since you share the same audience. You can monitor their accounts to see what people are saying and how the target demographic is IS Lists responding. This will not only help in your use of the platform. But create fresh content as well. Explore what your target demographic is asking. Commenting on. And liking.

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Oct 25, 2023
Customer Support. Guide to change in the company

If you have made the decision to grow in your career. Make the professionals on your team grow and renew your perspective within your company. I present to you the Guide to change in the company for employees and managers. I begin the guide with this first chapter focused on Change Management from customer service. Guide to change in the company. Oriento Change management in the company With this guide to change management in the company.

My intention is to show a more applied vision of management and a management of organizations and people. Based on business psychology and not on the mere use of labels such as leadership, motivation or innovation. Many times empty of functional content. The term ‘change’ has been so used that many managers and workers have already generated antibodies. And are immune to any attempt at development, innovation or improvement in productivity.

How to produce effective change

In an environment where everything changes but there is resistance to change? Management of change in the company through digital transformation The so-called Socialbusiness includes the provision of services, the attraction, relationship and collaboration with both clients and employees from company data the culture 2.0 model and with the use of mobile and social technologies. I usually summarize the essence of socialbusiness with this idea: connected customers need connected companies, managers and professionals. How have the Internet and technology changed the way we work? The evolution has been gradual but unstoppable, transforming workers into connected, versatile and autonomous professionals.

Connected because clients are already

Online and demand 2.0 professionals to serve them online. Multipurpose because the Network also requires workers who develop their talent based on specialized skills and transversal skills that allow them to learn and adapt to new environments to cover new services and needs. And IS Lists autonomous , because workers give the best of themselves if they are given the space. Recognition and trust so that they can demonstrate it. That is much easier thanks to the collaborative culture, teleworking and work by objectives provided by new management methods and online tools.

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Oct 25, 2023
Could it be said that Pedro is looking for a job with motivation?

Come on, it’s already eight thirty, and you’re always late for the course.” Pedro got up reluctantly as he almost always did. He had a really hectic day: FPO sales techniques course, IT at the youth employment center, English at the academy and an appointment with the counselor who was trying to “convince” him that he should try to clarify his professional life. 3 years studying competitions for administrative assistant of the Junta de Andalucía was a good attempt. 

And a little expensive. Thank goodness his family supported him one hundred percent, as he said. Many things have happened in his life: a little of this, a little of that. While he was drinking coffee and toast with oil, he thought that for 31-year-old people, work was very bad. “Well, mom, I’m cool.” “What time are you coming back? You already know that later you don’t like stale rice.

Could it be said that

A simple observation reveals several important aspects: that he has not defined a clear professional objective, so he does not have specific interests that encourage the search; that he doesn’t need money, since it seems that his family covers much of his expenses; and that he is not uncomfortable executive data living with his parents, although he complains from time to time with his small mouth. The counselor must carry out this motivational analysis without presuppositions and based on what Pedro does rather than what he says.

Does what I did seem small to you? 

The job search course that Natalia is taking is finding it especially rewarding. Her colleagues are very nice and she has learned everything she needs to know to look for a job. In addition, this way she has an excuse to get up in the morning, and going to the course is much more pleasant than looking for a job while wandering around the city.

Her small experience as an assistant in the clinic of a friend of her sister’s for 4 months has allowed her to have a better resume than that of her friends and at 21 years old she is going to take on the world. When she finished the course she carried out a massive “mail attack” on, exactly, 786 clinics IS Lists throughout Spain. She has mailed them all an exactly identical cover letter and resume, except that she has put the name of each clinic on the envelope and on the letter. She hopes many will call her. Work life begins and her motivation and spirit are through the roof.

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Oct 25, 2023
Management of change in the company through digital transformation

Recommending simple activities to organize better or to learn to overcome difficulties is not bad. The problem is that applying digital transformation these recommendations is a lot of work. Requires time, and accepting that there will be relapses and bad feelings. We do not change overnight, lotteries and great existential events aside. Thinking well, feeling high self-esteem and showing a positive attitude are not the cause of our successes , the relationship is rather the opposite: the better we do, the more confident and optimistic we tend to feel. Money calls for money, and achievements… for everything else. Entrepreneurs who have set up their businesses recommend.

Digital transformation The unemployed

To trust in themselves as the key to success. But, wow, they forget to mention in detail (because that is more of a pain to tell and listen to) the years, efforts, risks and failures they suffered before achieving it, and the bad thoughts that sometimes accompanied them. Positive thinking and achieving executive email list what you want do not have to be related. You can be a poor person and be successful in life, just as you can be a total optimist and a “failure.” Even thinking pessimistically can be as good a method as any other. You may feel negative emotions or believe that things will go wrong, but if you define what you have to do, and do what you have to do, you will surely move forward and start to feel better.

Self-help is nothing more than methods

And recommendations, the bad thing is how they are sold and the over expectations they generate. To stay healthy, some books even include a disclaimer : The reader follows the recommendations in this book at his own risk. The author and publisher make no warranty of any kind about the usefulness IS Lists of these recommendations.” At least warn. Anyway, self-help doesn’t help . Or at least, if it does, it works like any other method: it requires effort, focus and intelligence in its application. Almost nothing.

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Oct 23, 2023
Duplicate Content Why It Happens and How to

Looking to learn what duplicate content is, and how it might be hurting your SEO?  is a source of constant anxiety for many site owners. Read almost anything about it, and you’ll come away believing that your site is a ticking time bomb of issues. A Google penalty is merely days away. Thankfully, this isn’t true—but can still cause SEO issues. And with 25-30% of the web being , it’s useful to know how to avoid and fix such issues. In this guide, you’ll learn: Before you panic, know that this isn’t always a problem because of how Google handles . In simple terms, when they detect they group the URLs into one cluster.

They then select what

Think is the ‘best’ URL to represent the cluster in search results” and “consolidate properties of the URLs in the cluster, such as link popularity, to the company data representative URL.” This process is known as canonicalization. So, in the case above, Google should show only one of the URLs in organic search and attribute all referring domains in the cluster (106+144) to that URL. But that’s not what happens, as we see both URLs ranking in Google for similar keywords. Google finds new content on your website via crawling, which means they follow links from existing pages to new pages. They also recrawl pages they know about from time to time to see if anything has changed. Having duplicate content serves only to create more work for them. That can affect the speed and frequency at which they crawl your new or updated pages.

That’s bad because

It may lead to delays in indexing new pages and reindexing updated pages. SIDENOTE. Because Google’s “crawl rate limit” is higher for more responsive IS Lists websites, this is more of an issue for slow websites with smaller bandwidth allowances. Their systems will also crawl the duplicate URLs less often. 4. Scraped content outranking you Occasionally, you may permit another website to republish your content. That’s known as syndication. Other times, sites may scrape your content and republish it without permission. Both of these scenarios lead to duplicate content across multiple domains, but they usually don’t cause problems.

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Oct 23, 2023
What are YouTube Tags and Which Ones Should

Looking for a simple but logical process for adding tags to your YouTube videos? There are two ways to add YouTube tags to your videos. Add tags that you think make sense and hope for the best; Use a logical process to add tags that make sense. In this guide, we’ll explain the process we use to add tags to our videos in 5-10 minutes. But first, let’s cover a few basics. What are YouTube tags? YouTube tags are words and phrases that describe your video and provide more context to help people find your content. That same study found that only ⅓ of the top-ranking videos use the keyword in their tags.

As Justin Briggs by

Points out, this “may imply that keyword tags are less critical than titles and descriptions.” Of course, correlation  causation, but either way, you might be executive data wondering, should I bother adding YouTube tags at all? Short answer: Yes. Just don’t spend too much time on it. How we add tags to our YouTube videos Before we get down to the nitty-gritty, it’s important to note that our “process” for adding YouTube tags is quite simple and by no means definitive. It’s what we do, but we have no hard evidence that it played a significant role in the growth of our channel of the past couple of years. We use this process only as a rough guide, and we spend no longer than 5-10 minutes adding tags to each video. Any longer is just a waste of time, in our opinion.

Here’s our three-step process

Now, correlation  causation, so it’s worth taking these results with a pinch of salt. That said, it does echo the findings from Briggsby’s study mentioned in the IS Lists previous section. What are YouTube Some also believe that YouTube pays the most attention to your first tag. Whether this is true is anyone’s guess. But given that YouTube’s official guidance for tags is to “use the words and phrases that make the most sense for your video,” your target keyword is a good starting point. So we almost always use our primary keyword as our first tag. For example, look at the tags for our keyword research video: Install the free vidIQ browser extension (or TubeBuddy), then search for your target keyword on youtube.

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