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Customer Support. Guide to change in the company

If you have made the decision to grow in your career. Make the professionals on your team grow and renew your perspective within your company. I present to you the Guide to change in the company for employees and managers. I begin the guide with this first chapter focused on Change Management from customer service. Guide to change in the company. Oriento Change management in the company With this guide to change management in the company.

My intention is to show a more applied vision of management and a management of organizations and people. Based on business psychology and not on the mere use of labels such as leadership, motivation or innovation. Many times empty of functional content. The term ‘change’ has been so used that many managers and workers have already generated antibodies. And are immune to any attempt at development, innovation or improvement in productivity.

How to produce effective change

In an environment where everything changes but there is resistance to change? Management of change in the company through digital transformation The so-called Socialbusiness includes the provision of services, the attraction, relationship and collaboration with both clients and employees from company data the culture 2.0 model and with the use of mobile and social technologies. I usually summarize the essence of socialbusiness with this idea: connected customers need connected companies, managers and professionals. How have the Internet and technology changed the way we work? The evolution has been gradual but unstoppable, transforming workers into connected, versatile and autonomous professionals.

Connected because clients are already

Online and demand 2.0 professionals to serve them online. Multipurpose because the Network also requires workers who develop their talent based on specialized skills and transversal skills that allow them to learn and adapt to new environments to cover new services and needs. And IS Lists autonomous , because workers give the best of themselves if they are given the space. Recognition and trust so that they can demonstrate it. That is much easier thanks to the collaborative culture, teleworking and work by objectives provided by new management methods and online tools.

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