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What You Might be Doing Wrong

In the past few years, marketers have gained targeting insights they could only dream about decades ago. Data has been essential in shaping messaging, delivering advertisements, and driving sales. The digital advertising ability to target by narrow interests or demographics seems like the most practical and effective solution to the marketing woes of the past. Therefore, Serving your message only to interested people in the market may seem like the most logical use of advertising dollars. Therefore, Unfortunately, there comes a point that too much becomes a bad thing and can negatively impact your brand and sales.

Cutting creative
Although it may be cheaper to only have one or two variations of creative. Therefore, this can actually be more hurtful to marketing efforts than cost-effective. Facebook is one platform where ad fatigue is very common. Ads are frequently delivered across smaller target audiences within the platform. When these ads go unchanged or only have one variation, the audience begins to ignore the ads at a rapid rate.

A simple fix to this problem is to frequently swap out old creatives

The campaign. Simple image changes can go a long way and can greatly minimize the ad fatigue consumers experience. Make sure the images you select are engaging and run testing to find what types of images your consumers respond the most to. Keep in mind that even a “perfect” facebook ad is vulnerable to ad fatigue.

Digital specialist megan says: “in my opinion, one of the best ways to counteract ad fatigue is to create a testing schedule. Take your best-performing telemarketing list creative and test it against your new creative. Doing this will get you great results to use when building the next round of creative.”

Thinking too narrow
In addition to overused old creative, the frequency of your ads has a high impact on user perceptions and ad effectiveness. If you narrow your target too small, you run the risk of showing the same people your ad too frequently. The below graphic illustrates what happens when people see an ad or other pieces of content too many times. At first, they may view the ads as helpful or relevant, but after 10 views of the same ad, they can become angry and annoyed.

One study from the advertising research foundation found early

This year that if a person views a digital banner ad more than 40 times in a month, sales start to decline. The overkill actually rendered many of the IS Lists viewable impressions worthless or counterproductive. Mobile ads also run the risk of quickly diminishing in value because they can often reach their targets at lower costs. Just because you can serve someone an ad 80 times in one month, doesn’t mean you should. If you are seeing ctr’s quickly drop off, it may be time for you to rethink your target or back off the frequency that you are showing your ads.

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