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The article aroused some

 The article aroused some. A concrete example? At the time of writing. Typing the keyword Starbucks Milan brings up an unclaimed Google Business listing Google keyword Starbucks Milan Google.it, keyword Starbucks Milan Fast Internet, very slow company This is a problem that usually grows with the size of companies. The decisions become increasingly complex, the processes increasingly longer, the times increasingly biblical . Making a decision in a large company Making a Decision in a Big Company — Photo by freestocks.org on Unsplashed SEO is an activity that gives long term results but to obtain them you ne to move quickly.

Research in development

Algorithms change from one day to the next, flexibility is ne . In my photo editing servies opinion, the bottlenecks that emerge from this aspect are of two types. Technology orient These are the problems that arise when the marketing department and the IT department collide. Any case studies? To install an SSL certificate, to activate a domain, sometimes even to do simple directs. Bureaucracy orient Here we are more subtle because the tastes of the area manager, the mood of the CEO. The hierarchy in general, the active campaigns on offline mica, etc. come into play.

Google turns looks to the future and SEO

The key point is that changing a title on. A product sheet IS Lists or publishing a landing page sometimes takes – different approvals and two weeks at least of time. It goes without saying that from this perspective, small businesses, as well as younger ones, are definitely at an advantage because they can afford. Timely actions and those who deal with digital activities usually have more room for maneuver. And these, in my opinion, were the types of mistakes that large companies often make in the SEO field . I’m sure I’ve forgotten someone, any suggestions.

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