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Korena Keys Joins the Forbes Agency Council

Keymedia solutions ceo korena keys was recently. Accepted into the forbes agency council – a highly selective, invitation only organization that. Therefore, Promotes top advertising, media, and marketing executives.

Forbes is one of the most iconic media companies in the world today. Therefore, The company seeks to bring together professionals to share ideas and expertise within their respected industries. Partnering with the young entrepreneurs council (yec), the two. Created a new kind of professional community to connect top. Business leaders with “best-in-class” resources.

While korena is honored to be accepted into. The council, she also feels that it’s an opportunity to connect. To a global community of business leaders.

It is humbling to be invited into an inspiring group of industry leaders

Being asked to share my expertise with this successful group is intimidating and exciting simultaneously.”

As a member of the forbes agency council, korena will have. Therefore, The opportunity to contribute content to be published. In addition to this outbound calling laws exposure. To global readers, the council provides tools that allow members. To connect with peers to share expertise, learn from each other. And solve business challenges.

Therefore, forbes agency council is an innovative community built to help the world’s most influential advertising, media, and marketing chief executives.”

What it takes to become a member
Invitations to join the council are only extended to individuals that meet forbes’ highest professional standards. Qualified candidates must work with (or have founded) an organization with a minimum of $1 million annual revenue and/or $1 million in financing.

The forbes agency council also looks for executives whose success in a given industry

Has been recognized publicly.  Therefore, Western companies are quickly following wechat by combining many individual apps into one. Making the features as seamless and convenient as possible for users.

For advertisers, this is a pretty big deal. Think of the IS Lists data that’s available through social media platforms. Brands and businesses can understand who their audience is just by analyzing their analytics.

Therefore,  Apps like wechat open up layers and layers of more data. This one app knows who you’re talking to, what you’re talking about, what you read, where you go, why you’re going there, who you’re there with, how you spend your money, when you spend your money, and more.

Facebook messenger recently announced that they’re introducing messenger platform v1.2. This will make the app more seamless, give it more ways to share, to buy, and more context. Within the facebook platform, advertisers will have the opportunity to link the call-to-action buttons to messenger.

It’s an important time for new innovating opportunities.

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