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Known Companies And Recognizable Brands

As well as clearly indicate the other enterprise, the characteristics of the goods or services offere (durability, quality, price, usefulness, ) or refer to the forms of promotion use by competitors. An advertisement using a systemic comparison that refers to “ordinary” products of this type available on the market. Advertising using a superlative comparison, my product is the best, you can buy it at my place for the cheapest price, number one in Europe, the oldest company. Advertising using the comparison of own offers. Do you want to stand out from the competition.

It Is A Concept That Assumes

With us you will do it effectively. Check what we can do. Enter your e-mail, we will contact you Is comparative advertising fair? Comparative advertising has been hotly debate for many years. Considering the objective and subjective Paper Products Manufacturers Email List aspects of the use of comparative advertising, doubts arise not only of an ethical but also of a legal nature. A direct reference to a competitor or its product may require a reference to its trademark. Such action does not constitute a violation of the law, provide that the comparison is only intende to objectively distinguish the advertiser’s products and services from the competitive offer. A competitor may also be identifie indirectly, when the competitor’s specific goods or services are not indicate when comparing.

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We recommend Online PR activities – what are the latest trends? Public relations activities It is enough to provide more or less unambiguous information, on the basis. Which it is easy to guess what good or service is meant. Therefore, when IS Lists assessing the indirect possibility of identifying.  A competitor, the entirety of the advertising message should be taken into account. Elements of the company’s visual identification include, among others, colors, the shape of the packaging, a characteristic font, etc. as a kind of suggestion for the recipient of the advertisement.

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