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Continuing with the line of thought from the previous point

Another big mistake is thinking that marketing has no costs or having that mentality that confuses expenses with investment. Marketing well done can mean investing Continuing with 5 to earn 500 , if we do branding it is because it works and gives us a very high profit margin on the investment. Marketing is a fundamental asset of the company and branding works with perceptions, subjectivities, images, colors, texts, in other words: we will need a high-quality team . Quality, in turn, has two aspects that, although they seem opposite, are actually complementary:

Serotonin is the hormone Continuing with

Of happiness and, no matter how much we think about it, that state is the most relevant and significant for a person. Have you already imagined that your brand executive email list produces that effect? But to have that power it is necessary. Think this way, if the basis of a strategy is to recognize our person’s pain points, the simple evocation of your brand will give them pleasure, because they will know how to solve their problem. Coca cola understood this better than anyone in its iconic 2009 branding campaign.

Buyer Persona Branding Persona 

Personalize and interpersonal intelligence. All of these are concepts aimed at humanizing. With what objectives. Be more assertive when making strategic decisions to position our brand, generate empathy, add value to our offer. Interpret and anticipate customer desires. The usefulness IS Lists of these concepts is to segment automatically and are very useful for a brand positioning strategy. It is not just about staying in the memory, but about staying in the memory of someone in particular, in an active and differentiated way, influencing when making the purchase decision .

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