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We always tell clients that they don’t need to be on every platform. But rather find the platforms that are the best fit for their message and their audience. Therefore, Instagram advertising is a perfect fit for many industries and companies. But here are a few things to consider before jumping into your first campaign.

Limited audience: instagram has a huge active monthly user base with about 800 million active monthly users. This audience is made. Therefore, up primarily by users ages 18-29. For brands wanting to reach an older audience, instagram ads may not be the best fit to reach those specific users.

Instagram age targeting

Words aren’t pretty: for brands with a heavy amount of text. Or written content, instagram may not be the best. Fit to highlight those pieces. You can use creativity to showcase or tease content, and direct users. To the site, but some brands may find that instagram. Isn’t the right place for them to spend their ad dollars.

Time consuming: like all social telephonelists.biz media advertising, instagram ads take time to manage and update. Consumers. Therefore, have the ability to comment and interact with the ads, which will require monitoring. In addition, because instagram is so visual, creative elements will need frequent updates to keep messaging fresh and avoid ad fatigue.

Weighing your options
Therefore, If you’re trying to decide if instagram advertising is right for you, keep this list of pros and cons in mind. The main point to think about is this – there are a lot of people on instagram every day. If you find that many of these people are potential customers, instagram is your chance to make a connection. Social media in general is a place where brand loyalty can be created or destroyed.

It’s up to you to find your customers and show them that you offer a quality product or service

Therefore, You do this by voicing your brand IS Lists culture and delivering usable content to people interested in your brand. Instagram is just one method of delivery that you can use to connect your brand to new customers.

If you’d like to learn more about how social media marketing can work for you, download our free whitepaper below.

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