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Personal brand and online reputation guide for professionals and managers

Personal brand is the perfume you use, online reputation is the smell. You leave Isn’t a personal brand necessary if you are good and work hard? Yes it is, because many other professionals are also good and they also work hard. The personal brand bubble. That generic and obvious phrase that “everything leaves a mark” in professional life and in the company. Has led too many people to try to position themselves as “personal brand experts” . Because it is cheap to say it and seem like it thanks to the visibility and ease offered by the networks.

Social networks and content

Marketing tools on the Internet. In this way, the paradox occurs that, thanks to the Internet. It is so accessible to create and project a personal, professional or company brand. That many have created the brand of “helping others with their brands.” This has generated a “brand bubble”: only very Crypto Email List few very well-positioned professionals earn enough (apparently) directly. By providing advisory services, or indirectly, by providing training actions or participating in events.

To try to simplify this concept

I present this brief Guide to personal branding and online reputation in 18 steps around these 4 basic ideas: Personal branding creates your professional space. The contents IS Lists spread it. Networking drives it. Your professionalism confirms it. Or not. Employment 2.0 is not about looking for professional opportunities, it is about making people look for you. Also when we talk about a 2.0 company we are referring to an organization that makes customers find it without having to “go after them.

And if you are thinking about reinventing yourself professionally with support on the Internet, you have to choose a new path and specialize. These online strategies are based on a not-so-secret ingredient: the construction of a personal brand, a company brand or brands of services or products, as many as necessary. Building a personal brand is the most effective and fastest strategy to present and convey our services and professional skills to employers, clients and professionals that interest us.

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