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On the Commplace website you will also find a knowlege base on the stages of the marketing management process in the company – including explaining what is a marketing strategy , portfolio analysis , market research and much more. How to protect yourself against a crisis and get out of it unscathe? September 3, 2021 Customer acquisition How to protect yourself against a crisis and get out of it unscathe? Entrepreneurs are afraid of many things, but the biggest problem seems to be the crisis. How to protect yourself against a crisis to minimize the risk of the company’s collapse and get back on track.

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A crisis happens not only in the era of a pandemic How to protect yourself from a crisis? What could be its sources? How to protect yourself against a crisis that is slowly digesting your company? Companies perceive the crisis as something Zip Codes Email List negative. This, of course, is understandable, but there is no denying that every company must take into account the possibility of its arrival. A crisis situation is a natural part of the development process, which is why it is impossible to run a business without minor or major breakdowns in the company. Believing that a company is immune to this phenomenon is, to say the least, irresponsible.

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Especially today, when the market is experiencing a collapse due to the coronavirus pandemic. A crisis happens not only in the era of a pandemic Many enterprises – apart from the fact that they have to dispel any concerns and objections of the client – also IS Lists have to deal with a difficult situation relate to epidemiological restrictions. Heging against a crisis should be part of the development plan of all companies. It doesn’t matter their size or industry. Theoretically, even in the era of a pandemic, the e-commerce market is doing well, but in a few years the situation may be completely reverse.

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